Player Roster
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Team Id | First Name | Last Name | Do you have a grouping request? |
1 | Jason | Frazier | - |
2 | Ryan | Inocencio | - |
3 | Paul | Moncure | - |
6 | Scott | Saunders | - |
7 | Benjamin | Wetmore | - |
9 | Moon | Park | Peter Joo, Moon Park |
10 | Kim | Wilhelm | - |
11 | Michael | Rieger | - |
14 | James | Bryant | - |
15 | Jonathan | Williams | - |
17 | Jeff | Sowers | K.C. Stottlar, Kevin Stottlar, Joshua Shea, Jeff Sowers |
17 | Joshua | Shea | K.C. Stottlar, Kevin Stottlar, Joshua Shea, Jeff Sowers |
17 | K.C. | Stottlar | K.C. Stottlar, Kevin Stottlar, Joshua Shea, Jeff Sowers |
17 | Kevin | Stottlar | K.C. Stottlar, Kevin Stottlar, Joshua Shea, Jeff Sowers |
21 | Chris | Yates | Chris Yates, George Skinner |
23 | Gordon | Faison | yes Donna |
25 | Donald | Beitman | - |
27 | John | King | Michael Williams, John King |
27 | Michael | Williams | Michael Williams, John King |
28 | Matt | Thien | - |
30 | Terrance | Bridges | Terrance Bridges, Tim German |
30 | Tim | German | Terrance Bridges, Tim German |
31 | Robert | Witmer | Robert Witmer, Michael Banton, Eric Kauss |
32 | Austin | Pierce | - |
34 | Peter | Joo | Peter Joo, Moon Park |
36 | Bill | Smith | - |
37 | Justin | Parker | - |
38 | Adam | Lankford | - |
39 | Michael | Day | - |
40 | Nick | Nicholas | Jerry Pinkard, Russ Link, Nick Nicholas, James Ragsdale |
42 | Russell | Link | Jerry Pinkard, Russ Link, Nick Nicholas, James Ragsdale |
43 | Mark | Via | - |
44 | Logan | Haar | - |
45 | Henry | Wong | Weston Ringer, Henry Wong, Kyle Schwab |
46 | Jerry | Pinkard | Jerry Pinkard, Russ Link, Nick Nicholas, James Ragsdale |
47 | James | Ragsdale | Jerry Pinkard, Russ Link, Nick Nicholas, James Ragsdale |
49 | Kyle | Schwab | Weston Ringer, Henry Wong, Kyle Schwab |
50 | Nicholas | Pietrykowski | - |
53 | Jaime | Ibarra | - |
55 | Nigel | Goodwin | - |
56 | Aiden | Connors | - |
57 | Eric | Kauss | Robert Witmer, Michael Banton, Eric Kauss |
58 | Guerrin | Von Rehder | Andrew Burch |
62 | Michael | Banton | Robert Witmer, Michael Banton, Eric Kauss |
63 | Justin | Foster | - |
64 | Matt | Martin | - |
65 | Tom | Hilling | - |
67 | Charlie | Beard | - |
69 | Kerri | Wethington | Barry Wethington, Kerri Wethington |
70 | William | Wethington | Barry Wethington, Kerri Wethington |
71 | Simon | Petty | Kevin Parks |
72 | Dwayne | Cornelius | - |
73 | Jonathan | Smith | Kevin Salva if registered |
74 | Joseph | Monk III | - |
75 | John | Paulovich | - |
76 | Nicholas | Santiago | Nick Santiago, Ethan Powell |
77 | Ethan | Powell | Nick Santiago, Ethan Powell |